It used to be that heads of state and royalty bragged about their “invincible” bulletproof limousines that shed gunfire, but the Lucid Air Sapphire, built with “military-grade armor,” can go beyond simple ballistic lead.
Priced at an enormous base price of $475,000, this version of the super fast all-electric Air Sapphire sedan, created by the US Armor Group, is delivered with ballistic windows and lightweight laminated, transparent armor that replaces the factory-installed glass. The armor is capable of stopping a round from a .44 magnum.
Worried about weight? US Armor says the shell is ten times stronger than steel yet five times lighter, adding “only” 385 pounds of weight. Performance compares with the non-armored car that can accelerate from 0-60 mph in 1.98 seconds and reach a top speed of 205 mph – all while delivering over 400 miles of all-electric range.
US Armor hasn’t ignored the interior. There’s an internet/WiFi security package to safeguard all sensitive data from hackers, as well as scanners that gather intelligence from more than a million sources, including local police and fire stations.
As reported by Electrek, US Armor Group says it can add several custom countermeasures, including electric-shock door handles, pepper spray dispensers, concealed gun ports, and poison gas protection/detection. It can also add upgraded armor to stop high-powered rifles or grenades.
According to a statement from the builders, “Armoring is important, but for our clients, digital security is also an integral part of their modern-day needs as C-suite executives and business owners. In today’s modern world, that means full protection from cyber attacks, tracking and other digital age threats, which are just as dangerous to them in many cases as a physical attack on the vehicle itself.”
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